Saturday, November 28, 2009

another week is over

This past week was busy..I was out for the Thanksgiving break and got alot of things done around the house and cleaning got done...the kids were in school till wednesday they had alot of fun for two days doing alot of learning about thanksgiving...Keri Gs went on a field trip to the petco on tuesday to earn another petal to her daisy...Josh and I walked around the store looking at all the animals in there..Josh favorite was watching the little rat run around the little wheel..josh kept laughing so hard it was just as funny watching him...we went to my sister house on Thanksgiving for lunch and the kids had a really great time playing outside and eating...She did a great job on dinner with the help of Michael parents and dad and Patrick was there so it was nice...Mom was on our mine..she is very much missed all the time and especially now cause she seems to always make Christmas just a little more special...we are going to get our tree in another week and start working around the house..Josh/Keri got the Xmas box out and starting putting some stuff around the house...We are enjoying our last weekend before we go back to work for a few weeks then it Xmas break which will be needed again I am sure...well we have spend most of the week outside playing basketball, swinging and just enjoying each other..
oh yea...Josh has had a great time with Ben on the computer playing club penguin they are so funny...talking on the phone and trying to do the computer at the same time..lucky the phone is surviving all the hits it taking....

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